CRVN Member Corner June 2020

CRVN Member Corner | June 2020
Michelle Lee
Longtime member
Photo: Michelle and her two children


How long have you been vegan? Could you share a little with us about your vegan journey, for example, any highlights and/or what prompted you to go vegan?
I’ve been vegan about 11 years now. I became a vegetarian when I was in high school, because of pamphlets I found sorting through files in my school’s environment club. For a long time I hesitated to become vegan even though once I learned about eggs and dairy I knew it was the logical next step. I think the hardest part is really the social aspect, where there’s a period of time when you haven’t managed to tell everyone you are vegan and then it’s awkward that they made you a special dairy cheesy vegetarian lasagna. I was definitely encouraged by meeting other vegans in my daily life – just knowing they were around, without even talking about it, helped me make the decision. So I think that’s cool because we don’t always have time to be leafleting and organizing, but just being the vegan person in someone’s peripheral vision can keep them aware that this is an option!
You’ve been extremely active with CRVN (AVN) in many different roles. What inspires you to volunteer? What role or activity that you’ve been involved in was your favorite?
Of all the horrors in this world, cruelty to animals is something that we can have such a direct and unambiguous impact on as individuals in our own daily lives. So I like to spread that message. Also, I like to volunteer because it’s great to spend time with the rest of the vegan community! CRVN people are good people! And also I have two little kids, and I want to make sure they don’t see veganism as a burden – we should have halloween and ice cream in the summer and gingerbread houses and everything the other kids are having (to be honest it’s an excuse for me to eat vegan treats, too.) I’ve really enjoyed putting together the Halloween party and the cookie swap, because those are things we miss out on sometimes. I think my favorite is VegFest, just because it’s such a big team effort and the day itself is so much fun. As a volunteer I get the enjoyment of being a part of it without the stress of being in charge!
Outside CRVN and #CapRegionVegan bubble, you’re doing wonderful work as an attorney. How do you feel that the work that you do fits into your vegan lifestyle?
I’m an immigration attorney at the Legal Project. We offer free legal services to people who can’t afford an attorney, mainly in domestic violence, immigration, and foreclosure defense, but we have volunteers and clinics to give advice and help on many other issues. Anyone who needs legal help should definitely get in touch – 518-435-1770 – because we are working remotely but we are still open and meeting clients by phone and zoom call. It’s not directly related, but we represent people on the disadvantaged side of a power imbalance, just as veganism is about protecting the rights of the vulnerable.

Is your entire household vegan? How do you keep everyone happy and healthy at the same time? Do you have any tricks or advice for someone who is living in a similar situation?
My husband is not vegan, but me and the kids are (although the kids are too young to really know different – yet!) My husband is sympathetic and accommodating and our normal mode is to have vegan family meals. So our main mode of nutrition is vegan and we focus on the vegan proteins and fruits and vegetables to keep everyone healthy (in theory. Some people in this house are not always in the mood to eat their dinner.)
(I think you’re in a similar situation as I am, so I have an ulterior motive here  –no matter what I make my partner finds a way to add non-vegan cheese.)
With regard to the non-vegan cheese that my husband might add to his dinner, I just let it go for the sake of family peace. He definitely knows how I feel about dairy. But I also don’t buy it and don’t make sure it’s available and take no responsibility for it whatsoever! So that’s the compromise we have come up with. So far the children are too young / picky to demand what daddy is eating. We may have to adjust as they grow!
If you had a platform on which you could share a message to the world about veganism, what would you share?
I would want to share more about dairy cows and their plight. I think that many people continue to live under the impression that milking cows is just a nice thing that doesn’t hurt anybody.
Also, the message that although there are so many things we cannot control to make the world better, what we eat and buy is completely in our control, and that is empowering!


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