Thank you for considering becoming a sponsor for Albany VegFest! Your sponsorship enables CRVN to put on an amazing vegan festival as well as provide programming in our community throughout the year.
By becoming a sponsor, your business will receive the opportunity to reach a target market who cares about animals, the environment, and loves plant-based food. If your business benefits from the engagement of conscious consumers, this will be a great opportunity for you!
In the past, Albany VegFest has attracted an estimated 2,000-4,000 attendees in any given year, with countless more seeing our advertisements prior to the event. Given our new, much larger venue we are anticipating a MUCH HIGHER turnout this year. We also have decided to increase our marketing efforts as well. Any marketing CRVN does, will in turn benefit you as a sponsor.
To learn more about Albany VegFest sponsorship, please e-mail