CRVN is a supportive community that is welcoming to all: vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores! We frequently are asked questions about going vegan and veganism. While many of our members, volunteers, and staff are knowledgeable, we prefer to share information and then support one another on our individual journeys. Below we’ve aggregated some helpful answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).


VEGAN refers to the practice of abstaining the use of animal products and by-products in diet and lifestyle.
Learn more about the different definitions of vegan and veganism in this Wikipedia article

Learn more in this helpful fact-based article from The Game Changers, a documentary about plant-based eating on Netflix.

Learn more in this JAMA Internal Medicine study on vegetarians living longer than meat-eaters. For more resources to ensure you meet your nutrition requirements on a plant-based diet, visit the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine website. 

VEGAN CHEESE alternatives that look, taste, and feel like traditional cheese are widely available.
Learn more about vegan cheese brands on Live KindlyNote some cheeses labeled dairy-free or lactose-free might not be vegan.