CRVN Member Corner May 2020

CRVN Member Corner | May 2020
Stephanie Gray
Member since 2019

Stephanie is a reiki practitioner who has been practicing for about 2 years, and she shared some of her journey and experience with us. Read on to learn more about what one of your Friends at CRVN is up to!

For those of us who are unfamiliar, what is reiki and what does it involve?
Reiki is a form of healing that uses “ki,” or “life energy” to balance the chakra system. It can help with stress relief, physical pain or illness, mental health issues, emotional blockages… almost anything! The reiki practitioner is a channel through which the energy flows, coming out through the palm chakras and into the client. During the session, the client is fully clothed and sitting or lying down. The practitioner puts their hands on or just above several points on the body. The session can last anywhere form half an hour to an hour. Reiki can also be provided via distance, as crazy as that may sound! I have been able to give a few distance sessions, and have received very positive feedback!

What do you like most about reiki?
I think reiki is one of the most gentle ways to heal the things that stand in our way. It’s like therapy, but without having to talk everything through. (Though I think therapy has its place and is also very important!) My life has changed for the better in so many ways, and I truly believe it is because of the presence of reiki in my life. 

How does reiki incorporate in your vegan journey/lifestyle?
I’d say that since becoming vegan, I have become even more sensitivity to the feelings of other beings. This is part of what being a healer is about… empathy. Also – I feel like my ability to be a clear channel for the energy during a session is much greater since becoming vegan. My body, mind and spirit are much cleaner!

Where do you practice and how could CRVN members access your services?
I currently practice out of healing Whispers (251 New Karner Rd. in Albany). I am also able to meet in a client’s home, or to do sessions via distance. My appointment schedule is flexible. I’m available Monday through Friday after 5 p.m. and throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday. I am running a special during the pandemic: distance sessions done for a donation (whatever you can give, if you can give)! I think it’s especially important that we make time for wellness right now, and I want to help people with this as much as I can! Call, text, or email: 518.598.3500 or 

You can learn more about reiki from the International Center for reiki here, on Medical News here, as well as follow Stephanie on her Facebook page here.


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