Capital Region Vegan Network stands in full solidarity and support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the expanding efforts around the globe to bring justice and equality to the BIPOC community.

These past few weeks have seen pivotal conversations and demonstrations taking place, and we are encouraged by the hopeful signs that meaningful reforms are taking place now, or will take place in the near future. We are deeply pained by how long it has taken to get here, and by the countless lives that have been destroyed along the way—but we stand hopeful and in full support of meaningful and urgently needed reforms and change.

At CRVN, we use our platform to celebrate the diversity of the vegan community and to amplify our individual and collective voices for compassionate, healthy, and sustainable living. We remain committed to being inclusive, supportive, and available to all members of the community as we work collectively on peace, justice and equality issues.

CRVN recently added a tab under RESOURCES labeled ‘Black Lives Matter’ which can be accessed here that provides some resources so that our community may learn, share, explore, and support avenues and individuals that work directly in the areas of intersectionality between veganism and racial oppression. There are interviews, slides, lists of books, lists of influencers, and lists of Black owned vegan restaurants.

A list of local Black owned vegan friendly restaurants can be found here. A special thanks goes out to 518vegan and our community for submitting their favorite businesses!

@sisoyvegan made an excellent Instagram post about mainstream veganism being disproportionately white and inaccessible. CRVN’s mission is to empower our community to adopt and maintain a vegan lifestyle and included in this is making veganism accessible to all. If you have any suggestions as to how we can be better at doing this, please don’t hesitate to contact us









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Help CRVN spread the message in an effort to promote a more compassion the world.